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re: Potporri

To: "bcr!APPLE.COM!twakeman"
Subject: re: Potporri
From: taichi! (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 12 Dec 1990 13:40 EST
TeriAnn wrote:
>1. Roadster Factory.
>In their recent news letter, they mentioned that they wer considering going
>on-line.  Maybe somone in the Far East near the RF could call Charles and
>tell him about this mail group. We could be an exellent information and
>feed back source.

I'd be happy to help TRF get online, the problem is I don't
know how someone (ie. TRF) goes about becoming a site in
this Unix world.  Would getting an MCI email address be
sufficient?  ATTmail?  I saw the comment about going "online"
but I think that was meant more as a means to dial-up a 
digital (or Bulletin Board like) arrangement at TRF.

To avoid unneeded b-c mail volume, direct any replies 
to me, not to the b-c list.

Bill Sohl                          ||                email
Bellcore                           ||        UUCP    bcr!taichi!whs70
(Bell Communications Research)     ||                  or
201-829-2879 Weekdays              || Internet

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