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Re: MGB Engine Rebuild/performance Advice

Subject: Re: MGB Engine Rebuild/performance Advice
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 90 09:52:48 EST
Q >books out there similar to David Vizard's "Tuning the A Series Engines"

scott sez:
>Lindsay Porter's BMC B-Series Engine Data is about the best bet.

Yea, but while it does a nice job of going through a rebuild, it
doesn't really get into custom tuning. And while there are a lot
of specs, there's not much _for the MGB_ that's not found in the
Bentleys. In fact, the factory special tuning manual, as reprinted 
in the back of Bentleys is still about the only B-Series tuning
manual I've seen. I still haven't found a reference listing the
cam profiles for the various stock cams, and the factory performance
cams. (Duration, yes- in bentleys.) Other than this, your best bet
is tuning manuals for other engines, which detail the standard
techniques needed, regardless of engine.

>  - carbs.  Buy a pair of '67-or-earlier throttle plates
>    Plug the gulp valve and the holes from the cam cover breather.
AGGH! No, not unless you still have venting from the rocker cover!
Early engines only crankcase breather hole is the tube from the fornt
lifter cover (cam cover scott?) If you remove the gulp valve, run
a piece of hose from this tube down to direct fumes towards the road.
(Like they did before gulp valves) Later engines are vented through the
pipe in the top of the Rocker cover. Same principle applies.
        You'll also need to plug the lines to the carbs.
> Install good air filters (K & N) and
>    be sure you leave the factory aluminum plates in place; 

I use stock filters, with the factory cover removed, and a fabricated
top plate to hold them in place instead. Works real well, filters
are cheap and readily available.

>  - distributor/ignition

a distributer from a pre-HIF carb'ed engine (72?) should improve any
later cars performance. 
      Roger Garnett           (garnett@BATCOMPUTER.TN.CORNELL.EDU)
        The South Lansing Centre For Wayward Sports Cars
      "All donations of stray, orphaned, odd, neglected, etc.
       sports cars and bits in need of a good home accepted." 
        "The drop off bin is right there- behind the barn..."

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