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re: oil question

To: "bcr!pacbell!sybase!barry"
Subject: re: oil question
From: mit-eddie!!taichi!whs70@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 2 Oct 1990 13:09 EDT
>Thanks.  I've heard from several sources that the 1981 supplement recommends
>ATF.  My problem is I have an original 1980 copy of the shop manual, so no
>supplements.  A new manual is $40 from TRF, and the supplement is available
>for $12.  Since my manual has a broken binding, I may just go ahead and
>order the 1981 manual.  If you have any Triumph service bulletins with
>important info I would appreciate if you could summarize them for me.
I don't believe there is actually a 1981 manual for the TR-8.  The
manual for an 81 consists of the 1980 manual with the supplement.

As to the service bulletins; we published the important ones
in a past issue of the VTR magazine.  I'll check again at home as
to which one.

>Is that your TR-8 with the "Triumph" plates in Newton's book?  Looks good.
>BTW, I'll probably be joining the VTR pretty soon.
Yes, that is my (our, Linda, my SO and my) TR-8 in the Newton book.
There's also a couple of detail shots of my TR-250 in the 250 section.

Bill Sohl

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