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Air compressor setup

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Air compressor setup
From: Jerome Kaidor <mit-eddie!!jkaidor@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 10:24:17 -0700
    Continuing the recent thread on air compressors;  I have a simple way of
not getting oil in my air lines.  I don't use any!  My air tools get a shot
of oil into their air inlets say, once a weekend.   My major problem has been
not oil, but _WATER_.  I once ruined a panel that I'd put about a weekend of
work into.  My setup was a twenty-five-foot length of 3/8" hose all coiled up,
and bungeed to the back of the compressor, leading to the air dryer.  NO GOOD!
That air needs to COOL OFF before it gets to the dryer.  Now what I have is a
twenty-five foot run of PLASTIC PIPE clamped to the garage wall, going to the
air dryer on the other end of the garage.  Then another two feet of plastic
pipe going to another air dryer/air regulator on the wall, which has the usual
female quick-disconnect to go to the air hose.  Then I always use a disposable
filter/drier screwed onto the gun.  NO MORE WATER-DAMAGED PAINT JOBS!!!!

    Seriously, people, if you're setting up a compressor, I cannot recommend
this plastic pipe ( schedule 40 pvc ) highly enough.  It's cheap, easily holds
the required pressure, comes in large internal diameters for minimum pressure
loss.  I used 3/4" i.d., but I could have just as easily used 1" or 2".  The
maximum pressure is marked on the side of the pipe.  I think mine was rated
at 600 psi or so.   And putting it together is really easy.  You get this
special glue, and a hacksaw....   You can put together a plastic pipe system
almost as fast as you can think it up!  The next thing I want to do, is to put
in a "T" fitting before my regulator, so I'll have a source of full-power air
for the tools that I can use without messing with the air-regulator setting....

   I've even thought of constructing a quick-take-down spray booth, using pvc
pipe for the frame, and hanging plastic film over it.  Has anybody on the list
done anything like that?

- Jerry Kaidor ( '55 TR2, '58 MGA )

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