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To: britcars@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: pink
From: mit-eddie!ucscc.UCSC.EDU!red4est!lrcrace@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Where I get e-mail about cars)
Date: Thu Sep 13 23:31:22 1990
> This looks pretty and prevents corosion but I had a hard time with
> pink nuts and bolts in the front end of my car...

  Of course you do, everyone knows that it is the interior of
the car that is supposed to be painted pink (hot pink).
The suspension is supposed to be painted purple, unless of course
you color code it, in which case the right side is supposed
to be day-glo red, and the left side day-glo not-red.

  Larry "Mr. Colour Coord^H^H^H^HSpastic" Colen

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