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Food and Drink Question

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Food and Drink Question
From: mit-eddie!!sfisher@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 09:04:49 PDT
This is a two-part posting.  The first part is addressed
to any Britons on the list, or anyone who's cooked in
Britain or for a British household.  The second part is
for Bay Area Scions of Lucas.  (Hmmm, or is that Suckers
Of Lucas?)

Part One:

How d'you make mash, as in bangers and?  It's a little different
from Yankee mashed potatoes; it's got a coarser texture,
more fresh potato taste, and is just a little more interesting
to eat.  Any answers will, if you like, be credited in the
restaurant column I'm writing today about the place described
in Part Two.  Thanks for your assistance.

Part Two:

Bay Area SOLs, I've found a place for us to meet sometime soon
(while our cars all still work from having been gussied up 
for the ABCS).  It's called The Britannia Arms, and it's a 
fairly authentic British pub in Cupertino.  A dozen kinds of
beer and ale (well, eleven plus one hard cider) on draught, 
plus a wide selection of bottled stuff, plus traditional
British pub food.  They have a dartboard, which makes me want
to get out me good pub darts and brush up on the game.  (Hey,
I won Kim a stuffed penguin at an arcade near Riverside Raceway
three years ago!  "Nobody ever won anything for me at a fair
before," said Kim.)

Anyway, we ought to plan a get-together there sometime while
the weather is still good and our cars are still shiny.  The 
food is actually okay, though the Fuller's Extra-Special Bitter
is the thing to have there (in moderation, of course, unless
we have the chauffeur bring the Rolls down for us).  But there
are a few outdoor tables, a touch that reminds me of the pub
where I had lunch in Salisbury many years ago.  

Any takers?  If I get three "yes" responses to this, I'll set 
something up and give directions.  My idea is to meet in the 
morning, tour the Santa Cruz mountains for a while, then
end up at the Britannia Arms around lunchtime.  I'll work
out a tour route if there's sufficient response; there are a
number of things to look at (the Donald Healey Memorial
Redwood Grove?  Castle Rock?  You name it...) in the area, 
and the Brit (as they call themselves) will be a great place
to relax and unwind after a day of seeing redwoods.

--Scott Fisher
  Activities Chairperson (acting)
  Santa Cruz Mountains Sports Car Club

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