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Jensen-Healy for Sale

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Jensen-Healy for Sale
From: mit-eddie!!larry_schwarcz%q0@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: 10 Sep 90 13:13 -0800
Hey, there,

I just saw this on the USENET.  I thought someone out there might
be interested.  Anyway, FYI...

    1974 Jensen-Healy
    77K Miles
    Removable hard type.
    Good condition
    $4,000 or b.o.

Call Gail at (408)-458-9975 during the day.

The car is in Santa Cruz, CA.

That's all that I know about it.

             Larry Schwarcz
             HP Cupertino, CA

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