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Watkins Glen

To: '"!"@planck' (sol)
Subject: Watkins Glen
From: mit-eddie!!tobin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mike Tobin)
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 90 10:35:39 EDT
Saturday at the Glen was great.  Thursday and Sunday all rain.

Much of the entertainment was, again, provided by the Brit Healeys which
were still wearing their scars from the week before at Lime Rock.
Overheard a wife of one of the American Healey drivers say "unlike folks
on this side, they're out for blood."  Watched as the Brits and a bunch
of American racing and road Healeys lined up for their portrait.  Almost
as much as this Healey nut could stand, and stupid me had left the
camera in the truck.

Had a nice talk with Bob Kansa who drives a 100-6.  Claims he's got the
fastest/only six cyl Healey still  racing on SUs (three 1 3/4"s).  He
keeps a pill bottle full of needles in his shirt pocket.

My Best of Show award goes to a wonderfully mangy MG TC.  It looks like
its spent the last forty years driving around the world, and still has a
few laps left in it.

Didn't see Rodger Garnett or his cars.  Shoulda known he was joshing
about being their when he claimed he was driving TWO of BMC's finest to
the event.

Mike Tobin

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