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I'm kinda incognito, but...

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: I'm kinda incognito, but...
From: mit-eddie!!ejd@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Ed Devinney)
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 1990 16:51:51 GMT
Due to circumstances beyond my control (ie, besides work going crazy, my 
A/UX mailer is barfing again), I've been both unable to mail out and been 
unaware of same.  Until our system genies sprinkle more software dust on 
the mailer, I'm gonna be quiet.  However, about the SOL identifier:  it's 
in the process of going out for price quotes for t-shirts, patches, and 
flags (actually, just the logo atop an existing small/cheap flag, but...). 
 When prices are in they'll be posted & we'll figure out which thingies 
are economically feasible.

I'd still like to see a canonical BritCar joke list for the back of the 
shirt if enough are sent.

The only good thing about this month is that my 'cuda is done at the body 
shop; Boy, is it spiffy.  And hey!  No Stag-bashing till I get back on 
line.  I feel bad enough having to consign it to Outside Storage until 
it's restoration is feasible.

Ed Devinney ... ... IRIS/Brown University
            - Visualize Whirled Peas -

PS - Congrats, Miq (& Mrs Miq!)

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  • I'm kinda incognito, but..., Ed Devinney <=