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Moss Motors and monopoly

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: Moss Motors and monopoly
From: mit-eddie!!mjb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 90 14:12:42 -0600
Jerry Kaidor sez:

::    Lately I heard a very disturbing rumor: that Moss motors is setting
::  themseelves up as a monopoly in the Brit-car parts market, by buying up all
::  the sources...   Does anybody know anything about this, or was my source
::  just blowing smoke?

Well, it is sort of true.  Moss' european branch did purchase a few places in
England, like Cox & Buckles.  C & B was one of THE major suppliers for The
Roadster Factory, so TRF may be in a bit of a pinch.  But TRF is pretty large
themselves, so no doubt they will manage.  Moss also purchased Triumph Tune,
run by Terry Hurrell, a great place for competition type TR stuff.  I think
Moss also bought a similar company which deals in MG parts, but since I never
go near that stuff I wouldn't know.

Hmm, maybe I should go into parts manufacturing - wonder if Boulder, Colorado
would like to have a factory move into town?  Hi, Bob!


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