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To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM,
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <mit-eddie!!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 90 12:01:17 -0700
Mike, I took a look at that Jag after you told me that you purchased it.
It looked OK from where I was parked hawking my goods, but when I got
close enough to look in the interior ....
You had to look hard to see a more trashed interior.  Well... maybe not,
it seems to me there was another Jag for about the same asking price that
has a worse interior.  I think I would have spent the extra $$$ & got the
red Mk II that was also for sale.  I suspect that you are going to spend
a lot more than the difference in price getting your new Jag to look as
good as the red one.   Considering the price of Jag parts, have you
considered a second morgage?

Be sure to take pictures as you proceed in this project & keep us informed
of your progress as reality sets in {I'm just glad that I did not have
enough  $$$ to purchase it myself}.

Take care,


There was a really nice two tone green MG Mangenette {sorry for the spelling}
with a nice interior & lots of polished wood for 6K.  I suspect that it would
have been the much cheaper car to purchase.

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