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Winter Storage Again

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Winter Storage Again
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 90 11:28:06 pdt
The latest issue of the Shelby American arrived in the mail over the
weekend and there were a couple of items of interest concerning winter

First of all there was a short article describing a new product designed
specifically for the purpose of long term auto storage.  The name of
this product is OMNIBAG and it's sold by Ridge Enterprises of Bath MI.
It's a special storage bag that fits completely over your car and seals
hermetically.  The bag comes with a desiccant (moisture absorber) and
slips over the entire car like a sock.  The bag is made of triple
laminated polyethelene and is air and moisture tight.  According to
customers who have used the bag, cars emerges form storage virtually in
the same condition they were in when first stored.  No dust settles on
the car, metal surfaces are still polished and uncorroded and carpets
and upholstery are free of moisture and mildew.  OMNIBAG sells for $89.95
Inside use only!!

                 Pine Ridge Enterprises
                 13165 Center Road
                 Bath, MI 48808
                 (517) 641 6444
                 (free brochure)

The second item was in the form of a letter from Jim Shields, Manager
of Lubricant marketing for Texaco, to the editors of the magazine.  The
letter was in response to the magazine's previous recommendations
regarding car storage which appeared in the correspondence section a
couple of issues back.  Since I've sent a number of people copies of the
original article, I think it would be a good idea to make Jim Shields'
replay to it available too since some of his recommendations somewhat
contradicts the suggestions in the earlier article.  Sorry to say, I did
not keep a list of those who requested copies of the previous article so
anyone wanting a copy of this one will have to send me another request.
I will send copies of both article to anyone requesting for the first time.
BTW, this second article is interesting in it's own right and contains
some useful suggestions beyond those in the original article.

Roland Dudley

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