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well I'll be hornswoggled

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: well I'll be hornswoggled
From: mit-eddie!!kent@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 90 09:28:33 PDT
My insurance agent just called me. He said he'd called someone else
about Sarah's value, and got "2000 low, 4000 mid, 6000 high". I told
him I thought that was still low, but I hadn't collected enough to send him yet.

He said, "Well, you got an estimate for $4400, right? Why don't you
just send that to me and I'll send you a voucher for repairs."

Yup, that's right ... they're going to fix her, without totalling her!
I can't believe it!

Can you say "big smile"?

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