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Sunbeam Alpines

To: britcars@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Subject: Sunbeam Alpines
From: mit-eddie!ucscc.UCSC.EDU!red4est!lrc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Larry Colen - Nerd in a black leather jacket)
Date: Fri Aug 31 01:21:09 1990
My next door neighbor has decided to sell her Alpine and has
asked for my assistance.  I have not been following the 
prices of such cars and was hoping that someone out there 
might be able to give me some advice.
  I do not, as of yet, have all of the details on the car,
but it is freshly restored.  Nice paint over mediocre bodywork,
bright red with a tan interior and a new top.  I haven't driven 
it (yet), but it sure sounds nice (for a Rootes Groop car anyways :) ).
I think it is a 1725, but I'm not sure.

  Also, a neighbor of a friend is giving away a '64 dart.  
The body seems to be in surprisingly good condition, though 
it sis supposed to have a  fair amount of bondo.  The big 
kicker, is that the engine is supposed to need rebuilding,
anybody know how much it costs to rebuild a Mopar 273 V-8?

I also heard about a '74 Midget for sale.  (can you say ITC?)
Supposadly good body and engine, possible clutch problems.
The guy selling it is at Dynamic Image Photography in Watsonville
408-722-1442.  He is asking $700.

All three cars are, of course, "California" cars, so rust shouldn't
be of much concern.

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