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What I Did For Love

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: What I Did For Love
From: mit-eddie!!sfisher@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 90 14:37:59 PDT
I'm involved in a discussion on another list about weird,
degrading, and generally bizarre jobs we've had, and I was
reminded of the following story.  It seems to apply to 
this list too...

A few years ago, Kim was employed as new product development
manager for a third-party Macintosh software house run by an
idiot madman.  They were in a product planning meeting trying
to determine the target market for an application they were
developing -- basically a mailing-list manager, simple and
cheap.  Everybody in the room was tossing off suggested 
customers, and Kim suggested car clubs.  "We're in the Austin-
Healey Club," Kim said, "and my husband does the newsletter; 
we'd use a package like this to do the address labels."

"You're in an Austin-Healey club?" sez the boss.  "My first
car was an Austin-Healey.  I loved that car.  I bought it with
the money I earned in my first job -- I cleaned out a veterinary
hospital.  I shoveled *shit* to make the money to buy that car."

"Just think," Kim said, "I work here, and I *still* haven't got one."

Half the people in the room hemorrhaged to keep from laughing.

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