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Re: Put me on mailing list!

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Put me on mailing list!
From: mit-eddie!!kent@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 13:57:05 PDT
Doug: Congratulations on joining the fold! May you drip many quarts of oil.

Call The Roadster Factory, (814) 446-4444, and ask them about your
tranny. Chances are that they already have a gearbox rebuild kit put
together with all the right parts.

Re: smog. To the best of my knowledge (it's been a couple of year) a
car must only be retrofitted to California smog specs if it was
originally sold into California, or sold new within 90 days of being
brought into the state. Beyond that, you only need to pass
'out-of-state' specs for that year.

The previous owner is responsible for making sure that the car passes
smog, by the way. I think you'll have to pass a smog test to get it
registered, so that's a good thing to know.


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