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Re: I'm very sad...

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: I'm very sad...
From: mit-eddie!!kent@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 90 10:31:03 PDT
Bill Sohl,

Thanks for your note. I've seen that article before, but I don't think
I could have found a copy. Happily (well, from an insurance point of
view), I've only owned Sarah for a year, and they know the price I
paid. I've also kept all my receipts and a log of time spent. I think I
can reasonably argue that I've uprated her from a type 4 to type 3 in
the past year, and I don't think that the repair cost should be much
more than $1000 (maybe less, depending on what panels can be repaired).

But maybe I'll go out and see if the latest price guide reflects the
continuing rise in price of our LBCs.


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