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Re: 50-50 body work

To: mit-eddie!hplabs!hpupora!mikej@EDDIE.MIT.EDU,
Subject: Re: 50-50 body work
From: mit-eddie!sco.COM!banta@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (no user servicable parts inside)
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 90 23:33:24 PDT
Miq asks:
> What's a 50-50 pint job?  I used to work in a very expensive paint shop and I
> still don't know what one is?

A 50-50 pint job ... hmm, better ask Sam about this.  A 50-50
paint job is one that looks "pretty good" from 50 feet at 50 mph.

It's safe to say that Fizzball cars have 50-50 paint jobs.  It's 
probably also safe to say that Fizzball driver have 50-50 pint jobs,
although I'm not sure what that means, exactly.


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