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Mashed Morgans

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Mashed Morgans
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 90 12:07:43 pdt

>Ob brit thing:  Watched War of the Roses last night, did anyone else cringe
>when the poor Morgan (a right hander yet!!!) met its demise?  I did both when
>I saw it in the theater and at home.  A car is a terrible thing to waste.

It's possible that a real Morgan wasn't what was destroyed.  It could
have been some cobbled up fake.  In the recently run TV drama "Piece of
Cake" several Spitfires were shown being destroyed by bombs during a
German air raid.  I'm sure no real Spitfires were actually blown up or
taxied into buildings.  In the film "Battle of Britain" made in the '60s
this faking was even more obvious.  You could actually see the frame
work under the thin plywood of the fake airplanes being destroyed in the
different battle scenes.  For you Elvis fans, in one if his films he
drove a 427 Cobra into a river or lake (I didn't actually see the movie,
honest) but the car that really went into the water was a home built
stand-in rented to the studio.  While film studios may not give a diddly
squat about collectable cars, their owners usually do.

Roland Dudley

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