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We are one with Andy Rooney

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM (SOL mail list)
Subject: We are one with Andy Rooney
From: T.J. Higgins <mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!a106d!tj@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 90 7:48:23 CDT
That's right, folks, America's favorite curmudgeon is a Scion of
Lucas.  I don't normally read his column, so I missed it originally,
but my inlaws pointed this out to me.  His column from last
Wednesday, August 8, talks about the time he sold a story to a 
magazine for $3500 and splurged on a Sunbeam Tiger, BRG, which he
still owns.  In the column he tells about how he drove the Tiger to 
his college reunion at Colgate.  Most of the story is about what he 
saw along the way, and not SOL related, but one there is one sentence
that I suspect many of us will understand very well:  "You couldn't
buy it from me for $25,000 because there's nothing I could get for
$25,000 that I'd enjoy so much."

I wonder if he has net access?   :-)
T.J. Higgins                    uunet!ingr!higgins (UUCP)
Intergraph Corp.  M/S IW17A5   (Internet)
One Madison Industrial Park
Huntsville, AL  35894-0001      "Well-weathered leather, hot metal
(205) 730-7922                   and oil, the scent of country air"

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