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Re: MGB's and kids (again)

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM (SOL mail list)
Subject: Re: MGB's and kids (again)
From: T.J. Higgins <mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!a106d!tj@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 90 7:54:10 CDT
Garry Archer writes:
> I once squoze into a Mini with EIGHT other adults (in England).  It was
> awfully cramped :-)  We bottomed out just a little bit too :-)  Wasn't there 
> a record for the most number of adults squished into a Mini in the Guiness 
> Book of Records once?

Don't know about the Guiness book, but this reminds me of the Renault 
LeCar I had in college.  Once had 7 college-age folks in there.  I
almost wish you hadn't reminded me of it, 'cause now I want it back. 
Arrest-me red, brushed aluminum wheels, and that gigantic fold-back
sunroof.  Ah, the memories.......
T.J. Higgins                    uunet!ingr!higgins (UUCP)
Intergraph Corp.  M/S IW17A5   (Internet)
One Madison Industrial Park
Huntsville, AL  35894-0001      "Well-weathered leather, hot metal
(205) 730-7922                   and oil, the scent of country air"

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