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Re: BL A-arms on a Triumph Spitfire

To: EDDIE.MIT.EDU!mit-eddie!uvacs.cs.Virginia.EDU!
Subject: Re: BL A-arms on a Triumph Spitfire
From: mit-eddie!!tobin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mike Tobin)
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 90 17:28:05 EDT
 Kristian has noticed a broken mounting on the Spit's sway bar, thinks
 it's a dumb design and wonders if others have the same problem.

 My son's Spit is broken in the same  place on one side.  The mounting
 is so flimsy I'm suprised it's not broken on the other as well.  It
 looks to me like the only real fix is to cobble up a "real" bracket and
 weld it on.  With the existing one, it does't look there's really
 anything to weld to.

 Mike Tobin

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