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road trip advice

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: road trip advice
From: mit-eddie!cgl.ucsf.EDU!gregoret@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 90 11:47:10 PDT
Sorry I haven't had the time to respond to everyone personally about
the loads of suggestions about what to bring and where to stop on our
road trip down California Route 1 from San Francisco to San Diego.  I
have been quite busy lately with job (postdoc) applications and
interviews.  And the response was overwhelming!  Thanks!

Anyway, we will be sure to bring the duct tape (I have seen carburetors
fixed with it in th Baja desert, so I know it's value ;)  Thanks for
reminding me!  And this weekend we'll have a look at the suspension.  I
really hope it's OK, or else we'll probably have it take it in to have
it fixed because we definitely won't have time to work on it before we
leave (on Thursday morning next week.)  We both have posters to prepare for
this meeting and I haven't even started on mine!

If our wheels don't fall off, I'll post our adventures.  Hopefully the
trip will be eventful, but not TOO eventful.


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