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Re: Mirrors (was: potporrie)

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Mirrors (was: potporrie)
From: uunet!tc.fluke.COM!pwv@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 17:18:12 PDT
From: "Teriann J. Wakeman":

> The bullet shaped mirrors are aftermarket "racing" mirrors that were a 
> popular aftermarket conversion in the '60s.

I've always wanted to get a pair of these, mount them one to each wing,
and then sit back and see which one wins!

:-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  ;-)

   Pat Vilbrandt       John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.        Everett, Washington USA
UUCP: pwv@tc.fluke.COM  or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
ARPA: fluke!pwv@uw-beaver.ARPA

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