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Re: bad oil??????

To: alliant!british-cars@sco.COM
Subject: Re: bad oil??????
From: no user servicable parts inside <uunet!sco.COM!banta@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 8:37:19 PDT
Jim Muller writes:
[ story about loss of oil pressure after changing the oil ]
> In any case, the next step will probably be to junk that oil and get something
> else, then change the oil in the Spitfire again.  But with what?  Do I go with
> 10-W40 and possibly mask an aging oil pump?  I say go with the heavier stuff
> and don't worry about the pump. (I don't believe it is bearings yet!)  Anybody
> wanna' buy some oil cheap?

I don't know where you live (couldn't make a good guess from the
header).  Out here in the Cornballfornia during summer, you would
need an extremely tight engine to maintain oil pressure using 10W30.  

Also, probably better than 9 times out of 10, low oil pressure means
worn bearings.  Oil pumps, unless physically broken (cracked,
whatever) will generate sufficient pressure even when _quite_ worn.

The order I would recommend trying things is:
1) Change the oil.  Possibly to a more viscous weight.  If you get
what you consider acceptable oil pressure, leave it at that.
2) Check your oil pressure relief valve.  It's a simple thing to
check and replace (at least if it's anything like a B).
3)  Although bearings a more likely, I'd try the oil pump next.  You
can probably change it without pulling the engine.  It's fairly
cheap.  Whatever.
4)  Bearings.  Valve guides.  Head Gasket.  All the nasty stuff.

Hope this helps.


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