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Re: Sarah's Suspension

To: sol%hoosier@cs
Subject: Re: Sarah's Suspension
From: mit-eddie!!mjb%hoosier@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 19:54:55 -0600
:: Sigh. I've never dealt with this before. What am I getting myself into?
:: Is it really possible to salvage this sort of damage?

Too bad I don't have any before and after pictures of my white TR.  Well, I
do have after pictures, but you should have seen it before.  Basically what
I am saying is that yes it IS possible to salvage this sort of damage.  I did
a reasonable job here at the Fat Chance with a crowbar, a tape measure and a
hydraulic ram.  Still needs fine tuning, maybe this winter when I pull out
the motor.

Don't give up hope, you'll make it to Boulder.


ps: Dr. Bob, I may be willing to split a room, let me check with some locals
    who may be going before I commit.

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