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clutch weirdness 66 MGB

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: clutch weirdness 66 MGB
From: mit-eddie!cgl.ucsf.EDU!gregoret@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 90 19:30:16 PDT

Sad to say, I am back with a new problem.  This time a clutch problem.  Every
once-in-a-while our clutch acts up.  The symptoms are that it is
difficult to get in gear, particularly reverse when starting from a
stop. First gear is sometimes difficult and second is bad more often
than first.  I mean it is literally hard to move the shifter.  With
reverse, the stick moves but the gears grind.  Sometimes the only
solution is to turn the car completely off, then put the car in
reverse, then start the car.

Sometimes, when the clutch is doing this, and one pushes the clutch 
pedal all the way to the floor the pedal vibrates.

The puzzling thing is that the car can go 50-100 miles without any
trouble and then have a bad day.  But it seems to be getting worse.  It
used to be just a problem with reverse occasionally and we thought we
were imagining it, but then it started to affect other gears.

Any insights out there?  Some more info -- the clutch plate, disk and
T/O (throw-out?) bearing are about 3000 miles old, as is the
transmission itself.  The previous owner had the slave cylinder rebuilt
and the clutch linkage rebuilt at the master cylinder two years ago.

Lydia Gregoret

P.S.  My last inquiry resulted in two dead birds with one stone.  We
had a rattling noise in the exhaust which Scott Fisher helped locate
(told us to shake the exhaust.)  By giving us this advice he ALSO
helped solve the same problem on a friend's Porsche 911.  That friend
is very grateful because he was sure it was a problem with his (expensive)
timing chain tensioner.

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