Roland says:
I think you'll find that the 1/4 W is what you're looking for. I
recall what the exact opening dimension of mine is but it obviously
from Moss because the 1/4 W socket I got from the same place had to be
ordered from Moss. I can measure it if you would like but I do recall
that it's bit over 1/2 ". I have one other Whitworth open-end with
sizes on it. One end is 3/8 (don't recall the other offhand) but I
measure both ends at one time and the rule-of-thumb I came up with was
that the opening is a bit more than twice the size stamped on the
wrench. Try a 14mm on the nut. If it's just slightly too big, 1/4 W
the correct size.
Phil Ethier answers:
Yes, Roland, I think you are right. I can not understand why it
does not match the Whitworth specs shown in Machinery's Handbook. To
a machinist, The Handbook sits at the right hand of God. (No
disrespect intended to religious persons, just a figure of speech
implying the faith the trade places in this book.) I still believe
that Moss and others should publish the actual sizes of these wrenches
so that at least their salesman can answer questions about them.
Also, I have always been told that the Whitworth wrench size
designation matches the diameter of the bolt. This bolt is 5/16 in
diameter. So this statement matches The Handbook and not the wrenches
from Moss.
"Leave it alone, Cliff. I think it's one of those Zen Cohen things."
- Sam Malone