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Vintage Triumph Register

Subject: Vintage Triumph Register
From: mit-eddie!!taichi!whs70@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: 30 Apr 1990 13:24 EDT
Here's my monthly appeal to Triumph owners on the british-cars 
list to join the Vintage Triumph Register.  The appended info
is straight forward, but just as an update, VTR did
publish and mail its latest newsletter and magazine to
its membership on April 3rd.  The mailing is 3rd class
(bulk rate) so it can, unfortunately, take the Post Office
several weeks to complete delivery to everyone.  If you
are a member and don't receive your mailing by next
Monday (May 7) please let me know.

Bill Sohl, VTR President
What's VTR

The Vintage Triumph Register is a national club of Triumph
owners and enthusiasts (Over 4800 as of our last newsletter mailing).
VTR regularly publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, "The English
Channel", and a quarterly magazine, "The Vintage Triumph".  In
acknowledment of the sometimes longer than quarterly publication
frequency of the magazine, a members dues 
is for the period of time it takes to receive
four (4) issues of the magazine and not simply for a 12 month 
annual membership.  

VTR also has an annual convention, hosted by one of its local
chapters each year.  In 1990 the national convention
will be in Boulder, Colorado (Dates for the 1990 meet have
been set, Aug 1-5, 1990).  Prior convention locations have been
in Albany, NY (1989), Dallas, TX (1988); Atlanta, GA (1987);
Pittsburgh, PA (1986); etc.

Membership dues for VTR is:
  $20 for all USA zipcode addresses
  $25 (US Dollars) for Canada and Mexico
  $30 (US Dollars) anywhere else

To join the VTR, send name, address and dues to:
   VTR - New Membership
   PO Box 36477
   Grosse Pointe, MI 48236

        Please include details about your car when sending in
        new membership info.

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