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Re: Aran's Adventures in DMVland

To: Alliant.COM!
Subject: Re: Aran's Adventures in DMVland
From: mit-eddie!!tobin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mike Tobin)
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 90 10:33:02 EDT
I;n thumbing through my Moss catalogue this weekend I noticed that that
they didn't have the usual Calif disclaimer " not legal...." associated
with the Allison Ignition.  ON the same page, it was hitched to to a
bunch of other stuff.  Did Moss just forget, or did Allison get it

BTW for you Baystaters, the People's Republic of Massachucetts wants to
"clamp down on polluters" and is looking at the smog laws from the Left
Coast as a "model".

Anyone know the situation in Colorado?  My son's thinking of moving
there and wants to take his Allison and Weber-equipped Spitfire.

"It's got safety tubes,                                         Mike Tobin
And I'm not scared.
The brakes are good,
And the tires are fair."    -HotRod Lincoln

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