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Cheap Octane Booster??

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Cheap Octane Booster??
From: richard welty <mit-eddie!!welty@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 90 20:04 EDT
    From: Roland Dudley <>

    I copied the following from one of the car news groups a few months
    back.  I haven't tried it yet so can't really say whether or not it
            33% Methanol

    (2) Methanol is poisonous,
    as are its vapors.  Mix this up where there is excellent ventilation.
    Amount to use: 1 tablespoon per tankful.

methanol is HIGHLY corrosive to various and sundry materials
you might find in a car's fuel system.  it may be ok in
an older, carburated vehicle, but who knows?  it certainly
kills fool injection systems in very short order.  use care.


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