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Gas and Tires

To: sol%hoosier@cs
Subject: Gas and Tires
From: mit-eddie!!mjb%hoosier@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 90 10:52:49 -0600
As for the petrol for the TR6, I would suggest using super unleaded.  There
should be few, if any, problems with the lack of lead content.  Well there
would really be only 1 problem, and that would be recession of the exhaust
vavles into their seats.  Keep an eye on the valve clearances.  If you are
really worried, try to find a place that sells Sunoco CAM2 race gas.  This
stuff is heavily leaded, and a nice purple color to boot.  Throw a gallon
of that in the tank every so often.  I pay about $4 or so a gallon, so I
do not fill the tank with the stuff!  Call some speed shops, hot-rod machine
shops, etc.

Regarding the tires, my general practice is to inflate them to the max
pressure the manufacturer lists on the sidewall.  If that is too rough
and harsh riding, start backing down about 2 or 3 psi at a time.

As a matter of worthless trivia, I ended up backing way down on my race tires.
Used to run 7" rims, and 44 front, 40 rear.  With the 8.5" rims, and the same
195/50 Generals, I ended up at 34 pounds front and rear.  Still need more
work, though, as the car is far from fully tuned.  But boy, did everybody like
the looks of those 8 spoke Minilite looking wheels on the car, lots of nice
comments.  Gee, I wonder what the best pressures for a road racing Spitfire
would be (Hi Kirk!) maybe I'll look up some references tonight.


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