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Re: Book/Magazine source?

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Book/Magazine source?
From: ultra!ames!!akkana@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Akkana)
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 18:00:23 PST
rtech!mit-eddie!!larry_schwarcz%q0 writes:
> I've also found two places in the San Jose area for magazines.

I haven't found any place that really has a good selection of auto-
related books, but Tower Books on El Camino in San Mateo has a good
magazine section.  They almost always have _The_Wheel_ and _Turbo_
(both of which are usually hard to find) and sometimes have
_Grassroots_Motorsports_ (though they're unfortunately not very
reliable for _GRM_).

> Also, are there any good discount mail order places I should check out?

Discount?  Dunno.  But you do know about Classic Motorbooks, I hope?
They have just about every car book there is, or that's been my 
impression.  I don't have an address handy but they advertise in all
the auto and motorcycle rags.

        SAM Technology, Inc.    {pacbell,lll-winken,ucsfcgl}!eeg!akkana

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