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Re: Quick Question (MGB)

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: Quick Question (MGB)
From: mit-eddie!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 90 13:22:14 CDT
>  > Someone answered this for me once before, but I somehow lost the
>  > message.  Does anyone know what size the nut is on the end of a '79
>  > crankshaft (MGB)?  This is the nut on the pulley, ie., what I will
>  > use to crank the engine over when adjusting the valves.
> Why not put the car in fourth and roll it forward to turn the motor?
> All you need is a little stretch of level pavement.
> --
> George Emery - via FidoNet node 1:105/14
>      UUCP: ...!{uunet!oresoft, tektronix!reed}!busker!4.42!George.Emery
>      ARPA: George.Emery@p42.f4.n105.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Works for me.  I just grab the roll bar and yank. When you run out of
room, put it in nuetral and push it back, stick it in 4th and proceed.
 My Spridget book lists the valve adjustments in the order you come to
them when you do it this way.
Login name: phile        In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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