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Loonies, collectors, and the 'minor rebuild'

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Loonies, collectors, and the 'minor rebuild'
From: mit-eddie!!ejd@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 15:36:34 EST
Timothy Lyle Smith has been having a spot of trouble with his oil pressure, 
and it's been very informative to read the responses to his questions.

However, Roger Garnett has used a loaded term:
........................................ Looks like it's time to consider
a complete checkout/bottom end rebuild..............

Beware, beware, the apparently innocuous 'complete checkout', the supposedly
benign 'just-have-a-look,replace-a-few-parts & button-it-back-up' project,
the 'oh-I'll-just-replace-the-bearings-this-weekend' thoughts.

Gird your loins, steel yourself, and have your mates tie you to the mast, for
you may well hear the Siren's song ... 'Oh, how about  doing the rings?' ...
'Might as well do the head while it's out' ... 'Be a shame not to put a nice
cam in there while you've got it apart' ... Sheesh, have the block tanked,
decked, and honed while your taking the crank to the shop anyway' .

This way lies madness.  Or a really nice engine and a large hole where your
wallet was (as in my case!).

Just keep in mind: as when learning to drive, know how to stop before you start
going.  But then again, nothing exceeds like excess!

ed devinney

[Sorry about all this, but I'm quite wired today.]

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