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tops, tonneaus, & torrents

To: british-cars@alliant
Subject: tops, tonneaus, & torrents
From: muller@Alliant.COM (Jim Muller)
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 90 11:35:22 EST
I try to avoid taking the Spitfire out when wet weather is to be expected, so
this is sort'a a moot point, but...  My preference is to use the tonneau
cover, much like Aran G. says.  Mine is (I believe) a factory tonneau cover
with a cover flap for the zipper.  I has let water in the car only once,
during the VTR convention in Albany when half the Atlantic ocean came down
during the night.  Apparantly it seeped in through the seams or maybe it formed
a puddle large enough to encompass the zipper.  Other than that, it has never
let water in.  In fact, it is probably better for the car than the normal top,
since it covers the window slots in the doors.  With the normal soft top, you
can get water blowing in at the top of the window, and water drips off the
windows done into the doors.  I do wonder though about the tonneau cover for
another reason:  The holes at the top of the windshield for the clamps that
hold down the leading edge of the top...what happens to the water that goes
into those holes when it rains?  Does it drain down along the sides of the
windshoeld frame?  I dunno.  So I cover mine ujp with duck tape.  (Yeah, I
know, it's duct tape, but if you're gonna' use it to keep water out, you might
as well call it duck tape.)

Jim Muller

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