Christmas day and what happens? The driveline on the GT-6 parts company
two blocks from home. Since I haven't yet got the car home and examined,
I can only make an educated guess as to the broken part.
Found on the street was a chunk of a mounting plate which had broken
free. Since it had traces of red paint, I presume it's from the main
driveshaft, not either of the two axle stubs or the differential.
The cup for the u-joint bearings is cracked. The chunk of mounting plate
shows stress on one side and a quick fracture on the other side. So,
thinking a bit, I'd guess that the cup cracked first, seized the bearings,
and the rest followed?
Well, I've got a spare car for parts, so guess what will be going on in
George's garage tomorrow...
George Emery - via FidoNet node 1:105/14
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