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Re: rear wheel clunk

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: rear wheel clunk
From: mit-eddie!!augi@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Joe Augenbraun)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 89 15:13:03 EDT
> car the nickname "Ol' wobbly wheels".  I know I need new splines, and I
> should probably replace that wheel at the same time.  Every time a new
> british car parts catalog shows up in my mailbox, I immediatly check the
> prices on new MGB rear wheel splines.  One hundred and seventy dollars each!
> I just can't bring myself to spend that kind of money on a part that no one
> can even see for a 20 year old car.  A new top, OK, people can see that and
> a few might even notice, but a rear wheel spline?  I suppose that one day
> push will come to shove and the spline will strip out completely and I won't
> be able to transmit much power to the ground anymore and I'll have to do
> something, but hopefuly this won't be soon.

I had a friend who ignored the bad splines on his MG wire wheels.  One day
while rolling up to a traffic light, a spline stripped, the spin-off spun
off, and the car stopped, but the wheel kept rolling.  He says that it was
actually pretty funny since he was only going 5 mph at the time (he didn't
even know what happened until he saw his wheel pass the car in front of
him).  Since this could happen just as easily on the highway at 70 mph, I
would fix it if I were you.  My friend eventually replaced his other worn
splines with good condition used splines (not new).  This might be your
best bet, too.


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