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Re: I love winter

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: I love winter
From: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!bcstec!tahoma!gsds@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (K.C.Babb)
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 89 15:39:04 PST
The tale of having to use an MGB as a "reliable" car reminded me of a
horrifying period in the Babb household history when the tow car (a
Buick) was down with a dead power steering pump, the Fiat was torn
apart for a C-V joint job, and the Rx-7 was having alternator prob-
lems (but it ran).  This meant that the most reliable car in the
household was (ack) the Elan.  Kind of helped to remind us why we
keep the silly thing street licensed.  It went to work exactly twice;
that was motivation enough to get off the dime and fix the Mazda
AND the Buick.  Good thing, too; we broke an axle stub the next
weekend at a practice autocross.


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