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To our TX friends

Subject: To our TX friends
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:27:57 -0400
Hurricaines aren't anything now to this area Norfolk/Va Beach, VA.  We've got
several parts of town that were carved out by a couple of 
hurricaines.  For those
that have been through the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, connecting Hampton
and Norfolk, that area that parallels the casway, Willoby Spit, was 
carved out by
one, and the Lynnhaven Inlet, at the Lesner Bridge is another area.

Having ridden out more hurricaines that I'd like to count since '57 
here,  I have some idea of what you all will be going 
through.   Luckily, most that we've had
were Cat 1s.  We were very lucky with Isabelle.  She dropped from a Cat 5 to a
Cat 1 12 hrs before she hit us.

So I hope you all stay dry, and don't have too much property damage!!!!

Good luck!!!  Take Care!! and may God be with you all!


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ     email:
Va. Beach, Va
Phone:  (757) 495-8229

           48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V (B1106)
      75 Bricklin SV1 (#0887)    77 Spitfire    71 Saab Sonett III
                        65 Rambler Classic


If you can read this             - Thank a teacher!
If you are reading it in English - Thank a Vet!!

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