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Heater shut-off valve

To: "bricklin mail gp" <>
Subject: Heater shut-off valve
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 21:46:38 -0600
In Ron's article in the Brickline he placed the heater cut-off valve in the
line that runs from the manifold to the heater & he put it ahead of the vacuum
controlled hot water control valve.  My question:  Is that the correct
location for the shut-off valve & in what direction does the water flow
through the heater system.  I just put a valve in both my cars & want to make
sure it is in the proper location. I'm sure Ron's placement was correct, but
just want to check.  Thanks.

VIN: 820 & 1976

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  • Heater shut-off valve, JOEL SCHNEEWEIS <=