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Ole 2829 has to go.

Subject: Ole 2829 has to go.
From: Chuck Simms <>
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 02:47:02 -0700 (PDT)
I had 2 strokes in 2003, fortunately I susvived but my
finances have not.  I will be liquidating several cars
in order to pay my bills.

#2829 is a late model 75, just 21 cars away from the
last 75.  It's safety suntan with replaced grey
carpet.  Otherwise it's complete and original.  It's a
strong runner and only needs a power brake booster to
be a daily driver.

I'm looking to get about $7500 out of it but I will
consider offers and a good home for it.  Email me for
pix and further details.

It's an Arizona, no rust, car.

Chuck Simms
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