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Re: cracking, spiderweb problem

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: cracking, spiderweb problem
From: CBL302 <>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 12:39:22 -0700 (PDT)
  Re: cracking, spiderweb problem
  That is a common problem on Bricklins,it is the equivalent,to what is 
happening on the Delorean frames,with the epoxy cracking off the frames,except 
on the Bricklin,it is the Acyclic cracking,as the Fiberglass that it is bonded 
to(the acyclic) expands and contracts at a different rate,the Acyclic which is 
a harder/brittle surface cannot expand at the same rate as the Fiberglass,in 
the same fashion as water freezing in a glass bottle,the expansion of the 
freezing water in the brittle bottle,the bottle cannot possibly expand,to the 
same degree as the freezing water and it cracks,but in the case of the Bricklin 
it is heat from the Sun baking the acyclic/fiberglass,when the car is parked 
outdoors,that does it in.If it is just one area that is spider-webbed,that can 
be repaired easily,if it is all over the car,it gets complicated,depending on 
your knowledge of repairing fiberglass,I did Vin# 1136,that was spidewebbed all 
over it, with very good results,but again you have to be willing
 to learn/work with fiberglass and Gel-Coat and painting.
  Hope that helps
  vin 1024   
  "Voss, Peter" <> wrote:
  Hi there, I have an all original 75, but the previous owner must not
have stored it right or this is a common problem. There are plastic acrylic
cracks, spiderweb looking things. Now go easy on me because I'm new to
this car. I have the safety sun tan color, is there a way to fix this
problem, I don't think there is a bricklin paint matching expert out there.
Should I leave the cracks alone and just except it? It's a such a well kept
car except for these cracks!!


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