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Hydraulic Help

To: "Bricklin List" <>
Subject: Hydraulic Help
From: "Ed Wenger" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 21:35:33 -0500
Thanks for the may answers and possibilities. Maybe this weekend I can dig

The clicking sounds like both doors latches releasing and hold on as long as
the switch is held.  I did flip the lock out switch at which point nothing
happened. All 4 door switches create the same clicking.

As I don't plan to drive the car daily I was hoping to keep the orig door
system as the car has 6000 miles, BUT I see my thinking might be revised.
Does the air system add or detract from value for low mileage cars?  I trust
from the comments the air system is much more reliable.


75 Bricklin - 68 AMX - 11Studebakers

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