Good resource - - SAN.
The SEMA Action Network (SAN) is a nationwide partnership between vehicle
clubs, enthusiasts and members of the specialty auto parts industry who want
to protect their hobby. SAN was designed to help stamp out legislative
threats to the automotive hobby and pass favorable laws. SAN regularly:
Rallies the support of 2,900-plus car clubs, thousands of individual
contacts, and 100-plus publications, with an estimated reach of 36 million
enthusiasts nationwide, amplifying SEMA's political voice on issues
affecting the specialty equipment auto parts industry.
Sends out action alerts to generate an abundance of responses to state
and/or federal legislative actions and regulatory proposals.
Issues timely updates of legislative and regulatory developments.
THERE ARE NO COSTS, FEES OR HASSLES to participate in the SAN. The concept
is simple: SEMA provides detailed, regularly updated information on
legislative and regulatory issues that impact your hobby. The more hands
that touch this information, the more eyes that read this information and
the more people that stand up and do something about this information.the
more effectively we protect our hobby. If action is required, we will urge
SAN members to contact legislators and regulators to express support or
opposition to a particular bill or proposal that directly affects the
automotive hobby.