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Re: Welding

To: "Tim Triplett" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Welding
From: "George T. Geissinger" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 22:04:40 -0500
Don't waste your money on a cheap non brand name unit. A mig will run flux 
core. With mig you use gas and the flux core is a ton more money for the 
wire. Yes look for somthing with a 1/4 " cap. It will raise the dutey 
cycle(what percentage of the time you can run it)  for thinner material. 
Problems with Sears is parts and service. Whose unit will they be selling 
next year with there name on it. I use and occasionally sell them and I do 
sell a Hobart or Lincon to a guy who bought a cheap one last year and with 
he wouldn't have. Often it isn't that much different $$.

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