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Re: Looking for Sound Deadening Recommendations

To: "bl" <>
Subject: Re: Looking for Sound Deadening Recommendations
From: "Greg Schroeder" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 21:12:57 -0600
Thanks for all the suggestions that I received.  I could not locate some of
the items suggested and I wanted to actually see the product before making a
purchase. I thought I would update you on what I ending up using.  I
purchased a product called Frost King Duct Insulation at Lowes.  It comes in
rolls that are 12 in.wide, 1/8" thick and 15 ft. long.  It is a self
adhesive foil and foam and cost about $15 per roll..  It conforms to the
body panels well and should provide enough sound deadening properites and
not be to thick.  I am also able to place this on the interior door panels
and rear removable panels.  I am hoping to somehow use this on the roof.  I
am not sure if to place it on the panels or directly on the roof.   I am
also thinking about using this under the hood as a heat shield since mine is
missing. I am sealing the seems with aluminum tape that I used to seal seam
when I put the heat sheild in the floor.

One hint that may be helpful if you put a light behind the panel you can use
that to see what size piece you may need since light passes right through
the acrylic.  Just remember that this is a reverse image if you have to cut
any shapes other than square or rectangles.

If you are interested in seeing any pictures let me know and I will send
them to you directly.

Greg 0036

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