What about a group buy? It could even have the BI logo or something. Too
bad it's already 2004. That last one on eBay sold for $7.99 and they are only
$1.49 each for 200 from the company (nice profit). If anyone else is
interested also count me in for a few.
> The calendar is a giveaway. Auto supply stores or service stations may
> have
> them. The fact that its a giveaway probably makes it more difficult to find
> since I doubt any place that sells calendars would carry this one. They're
> free if you can find them. The trick is to find them. I tried to find one
> in stores and auto places a while back and I was unsuccessful.
> But there was an eBay seller who had them. After I bought mine, the seller
> listed another which sold too. Perhaps he's got more. Try contacting him.
> Here is a link to the most recently completed auction:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=556&item=2215140534