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Bricklin passenger door problems!! please help

Subject: Bricklin passenger door problems!! please help
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 02:42:49 EDT
hey guys,  
       i've been having problems with my passenger side door. i drive my 
bricklin just about every single day. it has been my primary car for the past 
year, and my passenger side door seemed like it was already a little bit bent 
on the top so that it doesnt close exactly flush with the roof of the car. my 
car isnt a work in progress, because it has already been restored as far as i 
know and is in great shape, and i dont believe i have the time to be able to 
take the door off and work on it.  it also looks like the metal of the door is 
little split like the two metal peices of the door are coming apart where it 
doesnt close flush with the roof. you can see the edge of both metal pieces a 
little bit from behind. anyways, is seems like my door is angled when closed 
so that the part of the door closer to the rear is all the way up against the 
wall behind it when closed. and the front of the door has a space in between it 
and the front of the car. it's hard for me to put it to words, but it's a 
problem because sometimes if i havent opened my passenger door for a day or so, 
then it gets stuck and wont open unless i press the button and manually push it 
a little bit around enough to get it open, then it'll work almost like new 
for a while, until i stop opening it so often. then it goes back to where it 
was. i dont know how i could possibly fix this problem without taking the door 
 and fixing the bend on top. my dad thought maybe we could move the door 
locking hatch forward that the door locks onto so that the door would have to 
itself forward in order to latch, but i thought that was a bad idea because 
it would be putting to much stress on the door and maybe make the bend worse. 
this bend is really rather minor in look. it is very minor, but not in my eyes 
because i'm a crazy perfectionist type, even though i'm only 17 years old. 
anyways, if you guys could help me in any way. . . please ask questions for 
better understanding and give me advice please. i would really appreciate it!! 
thank you

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