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manifolds stuck

Subject: manifolds stuck
From: Curtis Wolfe <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 07:21:23 -0700 (PDT)
LOL, Thanks, I tried wacking it with a hammer and a block of wood, pounded on 
it real good to, 4 pound hand held sledge, on the 5th swing I missed the wood 
(clumsy me), thankfully my hand was in the way of the hammer hitting any thing 
on the car. Pain aside, I decided to take a full swing at the intake in 
attempts to sheer it from the engine thinking im going to replace it any way. I 
hit it full force and it didnt even budge(yes I double checked the bolts). I 
found that there are a few spots that I can get a pry bar under and I will 
attempt that this evening. One of my friends said to hook up a winch to it and 
try to lift it off the engine whiel wacking it with a hammer and while prying 
at the same time. 

So a few questions:

Is there anything I can spray on it to help break it loose?

Is this common to have it stuck so well?

are there any hidden bolts from under/side i may be destroying that i could 
have missed (yes I'm sure I got all the ones on top)?


Thanks again,

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